Forget overbookings for the season and the year for the price of 3-4 nights
Choose our yearly plans with 25% off compared to our monthly plans


Try GoDirect completely free for 14 days. No strings attached
3 months free!
Choose the number of your units!

Website builder for vacation rentals

No monthly fee. Optional upgrades available
  • Property management system
  • Website builder for vacation rentals
  • Booking calendar
Optional add-on services
Custom domain integration
$100 / year
Channel Manager
See plans
Register for free

Channel Manager + booking engine

14€ + 2% commission
Billed monthly. Prices are subject to VAT
  • Property management system
  • Website builder for vacation rentals
  • Booking calendar
  • Channel Manager
  • Booking system
  • Billing integration (Billingo)
Register for free

Channel Manager + booking engine

price for 1-2 unit(s)
Billed yearly as one sum. Prices are subject to VAT
  • Property management system
  • Website builder for vacation rentals
  • Booking calendar
  • Channel Manager
  • Booking engine
  • Billing integration (Billingo)
Register for free
FeatureWebsite builder for vacation rentalsChannel Manager + booking engineChannel Manager + booking engine
Property management system
More properties in one app
Multiple calendar views
Manage your bookings in one place
Website builder for vacation rentals
3 templates, many fonts and endless color choice
Subpages and website elements
Display Google reviews
Privacy Policy
GDPR cookie window (Consent Mode V2 compatible)
Google Ads, Meta pixel, Google Tag manager integration
Storage and custom domain integration$100 / year$100 / year$100 / year
Booking calendar
Display free and booked dates based on the number of guests
Embed into existing websites (iFrame)
Customizable colors and appearance
Real-time calendar sync with OTA's
Channel Manager + iCal calendar sync
Real-time calendar sync with OTA's
Real-time pricing sync
Sync a higher price to OTA's
Sync booking data (e.g.: number of guests, sum, billing details etc.)
Free Channel Manager setup
Booking system
Set prices and booking rules (e.g.: min. nights, featured nights, seasons, weekend prices etc.)
Online booking option
Online payment
Automatic e-mails
Coupons and discounts
Extra services
Conversion tracking (redirect to a unique thank-you page of your choice)
Shareable booking offer
Billing integration (Billingo)
PriceFree14€ + 2% commissionfrom 24€



Host reviews

What hosts say about GoDirect?

Fauna Guesthouse
Fauna Guesthouse
Fauna Guesthouse
I am very satisfied with GoDirect and the team that created it. The site is easy to use for both the host and the guest, it is aesthetically pleasing and the booking is quick and easy. It's great that there is a built-in calendar synchronization, which makes it much easier to coordinate bookings from multiple platforms. The team is always helpful and provides all the support to maximize the user experience. All this at an affordable price, which is good for us and for the guests.
– Éva
Rumbach Terrace
Rumbach Terrace
Rumbach Terrace
"The appartman booking system is easier to use than other similar systems, It is also quite feature-rich and customisable. These exceptional features and the dedication and direct contact with the customer make it easy to use, easy to maintain and easy to manage. I rate them as the best booking system provider ever!"
– Zoltán
Grafit Kabin
Grafit Kabin
Grafit Kabin
I highly recommend GoDirect's booking system. For hosts, it is easy to set up different periods, prices, and the number of bookable nights. From the guest's perspective, the available dates, the evolution of the booking fee, and the booking conditions are easy to understand. Automatic emails simplify communication, ensuring that the person making the booking is immediately informed about all essential details. The operating team takes feedback into account, and their pricing is favorable and predictable.
– Dániel

Create a website for you vacation rental in minutes!

14-day free trial
  • Super easy registration
  • No coding skills needed
  • Real-time support