We have everything you need as a vacation rental owner

Enjoy all the features GoDirect has to offer from setting extra services, customizing fonts and colors, to GDPR compliance and more.
    14-day free trial. No credit card required.

    Font and color customization

    You can customize the appearance of the reservation interface, providing your guests with an even more personal experience. Pair beautiful colors with user friendly fonts!
    Get started for free

    Payment in advance by bank card

    With GoDirect's payment integration, your guests will have the opportunity to settle the amount of the advance with a bank card in addition to the transfer. For this, we use the Stripe system and the payment takes place between the account of the guest and the host. After that, Stripe charges 1.5% + 0,25€ per transaction.
    "Sync your existing bookings from OTA's upon registration. Browse all your bookings in one place – even from a mobile device."
    Sign up now

    Google Analytics and Facebook connection

    Get more productive in advertising your vacation rental and receive more guests! Connect your Google Analytics and Facebook ad account to your GoDirect website in a few clicks. Just add your tracking codes in the Statistics menu to see your analyitcs in Google Ads and on Facebook! Due to the limitations concerning domains this feature is only available in our Website plan.
    Sign up now

    Discounts and promotions

    Set a discounted booking period and choose whether it's valid everyday, on weekdays or only on weekends. Showcase your discounted prices next to your original prices for your guests to see how much they can save if they book today!
    Sign up now

    Sync Google Reviews

    Attract more guests by displaying your Google Business reviews. The total score of the Google reviews (e.g. 4.7/5 stars) and the number of reviews will be displayed on your booking interface.
    Sign up now

    Multi-language booking engine and automatic e-mails

    Get international direct bookings easily! Our booking engine supports multiple languages out of the box and user-specified texts can be added in multiple languages. Automatic guest e-mails can also be edited in multiple languages.

    A solution tailored to your needs

    We are constantly improving our software based on the feedback of our users to provide the best possible service and to meet the needs of all accommodation providers. Positive reviews confirm that we are on the right track and motivate us to give even more to those who choose us.

    Create a website for you vacation rental in minutes!

    14-day free trial
    • Super easy registration
    • No coding skills needed
    • Real-time support