Automatically synced and updated calendars

Integrate your own booking calendars with platforms like Airbnb,, Vrbo and others.
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    What is iCal calendar synchronization?

    Calendar synchronization helps you to reduce the chances of overbooking significantly by connecting the calendars between OTAs (Airbnb,, Vrbo) and GoDirect.

    Avoid double bookings

    In the example you can see three imaginary calendars of the Cozy Cabin. The calendars are not connected to each other in any way yet and that's what causes overbookings. This is where the iCal calendar connection can help.

    Have full control over your bookings

    GoDirect guarantees a 5-minute update frequency. The frequency at online travel agencies can vary between 5 and 30 minutes.

    How often does GoDirect update?

    GoDirect guarantees a 5-minute update frequency. The frequency at other online travel agencies can vary between 5 and 30 minutes.
    The only information that is sent is whether a given night is free or booked. Thus, iCal calendar sync won't provide any booking info.
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